Happy May everyone! This is a special month for Peak Vocal Academy because we are doing our very first opera! And this is my most ambitious project yet.
So, every month I sit down to write these newsletters and I use them as an opportunity to be vulnerable and honest about things that I am learning and feeling. I also think about things that might inspire or motivate our readers. This month, I still plan on doing that, but by doing something that is also a little scary and out of my comfort zone. I am going to ask for help…
First, a little background. Peak Vocal Academy is officially a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. That means that we have a mission. Our mission is to prepare singers to present high quality performances for the community. I love what I do at PVA; however, I realize that I can no longer carry out this mission alone. And because our mission is to serve the community, it is only fitting that the community be involved. So, here is what I need:
First, I need volunteers. This is the most urgent need because I need help with our upcoming performance on June 1st. I need people to help with:
- Costumes and props
- Make up and hair
- Advertising
- Passing out programs
- Photography and videography
- Stage management
Board of Directors
If you don’t know what this is, it’s the governing body of a nonprofit organization. Because I am a very small organization, my board would be very involved in making sure the organization runs smoothly. Things the board would be responsible for:
- Organizing volunteers
- Helping to organize events
- Advertising
- Fundraising
- Accounting/budgeting
I always think back to the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes a village to run a nonprofit, too. My vision is to see this company grow into something extraordinary. We are ready to grow; we just need a little more help. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to me. I can’t wait to hear from you!