April Newsletter

Hello all,

I hope the Spring is treating you well. This is usually the time when the pollen starts to become a problem. I see the flowers blooming and it fills me with both joy and dread. While I, myself, do not suffer from allergies, a few people in my family do and during this time of hypervigilance, it makes things stressful.

Anyway, as I was thinking about what I wanted to write about this month, I started pondering what the last year has been like for me. April is a fun month for me because it’s the month of my birthday (happy birthday to all you April babies), and I always get reflective around my birthday. I realize that I have been one of the lucky ones that hasn’t had my life completely disrupted by COVID. Instead, we only had to shift some of our habits and patterns and that was fine. A year in quarantine has been both challenging and wonderful at the same time. We saw friends few and far between, but we saw them; I shifted to online lessons which helped me stay in touch with my students and keep me sane because I could still teach; I started performing for a camera instead of a live audience, but I am still performing and it counts. So, needless to say it’s been a mixed bag, but overall, I think I have enjoyed the time I have had outside of normal. Now I get to decide what my new normal is going to be.

On another note, 7 of my students recently entered the NCMTA Competition. They all did well and I am so proud of them. One student in particular, Gianna Baez, got Highest Honors and qualified to move on to the state level of competition. Congratulations to everyone for their hard work and for doing such a great job!

Finally, an ANNOUNCEMENT! 30-minute Musical is making a comeback! I am super excited about this. We will be holding class in-person and outside at a great location in Apex (near Crowder Park). So, if you have been waiting for this class, your wait is over. Now, this first class will be a little different than usual because it’s been a while and we need to get our sea legs, so to speak. We’ve never done it outside, so we will learn as we go. The class will be Tuesdays from 6-6:45 pm, and will run from May 11- June 8. Also, the class will be smaller this first time so if you want your little singer to be a part of it, you will have to sign up quick!

I have really enjoyed my time to myself. But seeing as how we can’t grow without change, it’s time to start growing again. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person again soon.

Stay safe!

“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart..” ― Pablo Casals